Thursday, December 09, 2010

Transfer 三步驟: 社區學院二年級生請預備

If you are ready for transfer, do the following:

1) meet with an academic advisor and discuss universities you may wish to apply to as it relates to your academic major; they will ask you to narrow your choices to maybe 5-10 schools and then you have to get more focused on your goal universities;

2) talk to ISA staff and get some experience in a club or organization, such as our International Student Ambassadors, or something extracurricular, to make your application to the top universities more attractive;

3) do research about your transfer universities and be aware of their international student applications due dates.

Please understand that a community college is not limiting anything about the students success and will support and help the students to reach their academic and personal goals. The student must come in and use the resources to get the benefits of transfer assistance. As we all know, the top universities are often expensive but they are the most competitive and do not usually guarantee admission to anyone. Students must still apply and be accepted into their program of study. We can help the student as long as he comes in and talks to us - the International Student Affairs Office.

(Diane Viverito - Moraine Valley Community College)

Monday, December 06, 2010


Please know that most community college students transfer everywhere and anywhere they want to, and that the list of schools featured as 'Transfer agreements' does not in any way limit our students from transferring to other schools. For example, in the state of Illinois, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is our top state university and they just have a policy that they do not make the "Transfer Agreement' document with schools, although they are at the top of Moraine Valley community college most popular transfer schools, and students transfer there all the time.

The 'Transfer list' on MVCC website does is not meant to limit where students transfer to, they just make it easier. To explain further, you will not see out of state schools on that website. The reason for that is that we don't have Transfer agreements with out of state universities mainly because it is just a courtesy to community colleges and colleagues out of the state; it is just the practice of the schools, but it doesn't any way limit students from going to a different state. The 'Transfer agreement' makes it completely simple for students to transfer full two years of credit.


Students still apply with the same 'application process'. International students still must follow the procedures for application, whether the college has an agreement or not. Students successfully transfer anywhere, and they are all called "transfer applicants'....there is no difference except in the process the university uses to review the applicants course transcript. The top ranked (1-100) universities in the US will always review the applicants transcript anyway.....When any student has attended any US community college for more than one year and accumulated more than one year of university level credit, they are considered for Transfer admissions, rather than Freshman admissions. This is a benefit.

(Diane Viverito - Moraine Valley Community College)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

哈佛: 獨特之處

There are few words as universally recognizable as the name ‘Harvard.’ It may be pronounced differently in every language in Chinese, for example, we say 哈佛 - but it never truly needs translation.

Think about this for a minute: What other words enjoy that same level of international weight? Mama. Papa. Harvard.

Of course, when Harvard was established in 1636, just under 400 years ago, nobody knew its name not the student (there was ONE), not the teacher (there was also just ONE).

Nobody knew because the college only received its name two years later, when a minister by the name of John Harvard bequeathed half of his estate to the school.

In all, John Harvard gave the college 400 books and about £779 in today’s terms, slightly less than USD $100,000. [$93,000 to be exact.] Not a bad price for buying worldwide recognition, especially when you consider that Harvard’s endowment was worth $37 billion in 2008. (NOTE: This dropped to $26 billion in 2009.)

Harvard. It’s rich and it’s famous.

That must be why it’s so special, right?

Time and again, in survey after survey, it has been ranked the best university in the world. What makes it so special?

If you actually talk to Harvard students and I encourage you to do so with the ones here, after our panel they will tell you that, in many ways, Harvard is a school like any other.

You have good students and mediocre students. You have good teachers and bad teachers. You attend class, you do your homework, and you study all night for tough exams.

Of course Harvard students are smart. The college receives 22,000 applicants per year and takes fewer than 1 in 10. You can bet that a fair share of these students are valedictorians, got perfect scores on their SATs, are sports stars, violin virtuosos, published authors

But what makes Harvard such a special place isn’t that it’s famous, or that it’s rich, or that it’s number one.

What really makes Harvard special is the passion and dedication each student brings with him or her.

Some students like to joke that there must be thousands of clubs and organizations on campus one for every student. This is just a joke, but what it tells us is that if a Harvard student has an interest in an activity, he or she is willing to start a group for it.

It could be to deliver meals to homeless people. It could be to analyze the stock market. It could be to discuss German films.

But the point is that what makes Harvard students different is that they consistently TAKE ACTION. They organize events. They plan gatherings. They attend practice. They pour their time and energy into activities that inspire them.

It is only natural that this in turn makes them a source of inspiration as well.

Please join me in welcoming the students from the 2010 Harvard College in Asia Program. (鄭永忠博士在2010年的哈佛教你入哈佛的歡迎詞。)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


航空公司請機師的考慮, 對飛行有熱情, 對飛機熱愛, 熱愛開車可能是熱愛飛行的徵兆,南澳大學飛行課程與國泰機師訓練相似

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



香港150年的殖民文化,從來只出工商巨賈,政治領袖還待培養…哎! 梁振英也好,葉劉淑儀也好,劉家傑也好,馮國經也好,希望你們有些政治才能,政治德行或政治見識,做好我們的特首,市民們會拭目以待你們在特首選舉過程中渾身解數,証明給大家看你們具備其中這些質素,雖然我們不能投你票,也會暫時口服心服你們做特首!

Friday, August 06, 2010


關於教育問題,在國外從教多年的楊小凱覺得,中國不應該學澳洲,而應該學美國。美國對私立大學沒有限制,政府辦大學的作用也非常有限,所以發展出各種適合不同需要的大學。全世界最好的大學是美國的私立大學 (哈佛、耶魯、普林斯頓等),而各種低水平的私立「野雞」大學也適合了低層的社會需要。更重要的是由於進入教育領域是自由的,不需要任何教育部批准,所以私立大學之間競爭自由而激烈,制度創新層出不窮,州立大學便可以模仿這些好教育制度 (例如終身教授制),也有不得不模仿的競爭壓力 (比如教授工資就不可能比私立大學低得太多)。而澳洲受歐洲政府辦學思潮的影響,政府辦了太多的大學,雖然不限制私人辦學,政府也像美國政府一樣不直接管理學校,而是成立獨立的法人機構管理學校,但由於官辦大學太多,私立大學就起不來。例如十年前澳洲有股私立大學發展的浪潮,但這些大學在公立大學的壓力下大多不成功。所以澳洲的大學制度始終不如美國,例如從來沒有形成全國性大學市場,學生大多在本州上大學,不像美國在私立大學的創新體制下,形成在外州上大學的傳統。澳洲大學教授的工資及管理制度對市場的反應都不如美國大學靈敏,關鍵原因也是公立大學佔優勢,不像美國私立大學佔優勢。

2004年9月30日 明報D8 《聆聽楊小凱》

Tuesday, August 03, 2010



2010年中五畢業的同學,我衷心告訴你: 如果父母經濟修件許可,一年可用15-20萬港元,我提議你出國升學兩年,用外國兩年的社區學院或英國A-Level優異成績再回來申請 Non-Jupas 入香港的名牌大學!

外國的教育重融匯貫通掌握知識,重獨立思考和有利環境提升英語! 還未計放眼世界,用今天去創造未來的優勢 …

會考生啊! 會考生! 既然要哭著拼命乞求回原校,倒不如花一點點錢,過了搞笑的「末代會考生」這一關,2012年就不會有人笑你是「末代預科生」!

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